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Birds in Flight



Birds in Flight

Translated from the Chinese title 飞鸟

Soprano 12-hole ocarina in F; song played in C later changing to F


From the album cover:

A person sits on the beach, bathed in the sunshine, enjoying life, both feet dug into the sand, eyes closed, with the sound of surging waves. Now and then, the sharp, clear cry of a bird floats across his ears, and he wonders if there's anything in all the world that can make a person feel more relaxed and at ease!


Listen to a sample clip


Notice to customers:

Guo Yang requests that tracks from Mischievous Clay NOT be posted as is to Youtube or other similar video or audio sites, either with or without added video, photos, or other graphics. Thank you for honoring the wishes of the artist regarding this original copyrighted material.


However, customers may feel free to use any of these tracks to produce their own ocarina cover and post on Youtube or similar sites. The 5 "accompaniment" tracks are provided for this express purpose.


Produkt-Code: BIRP77CX22


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