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Mischievous Clay Album

Mischievous Clay Album

Imperial City Ocarina is proud to present the debut album, released July 2015, of the accomplished ocarina player and music artist, Guo Yang. A resident of Shenyang and close personal friend of Song Wei, the maker of the ocarinas sold in this store, Guo Yang is well-known in Chinese ocarina circles, having performed in a number of celebrated occasions in China.


Guo Yang wrote all the songs on this album specially for the ocarina... a rare treat for ocarina enthusiasts around the world! All accompaniment for these songs was also written and arranged by Guo Yang himself.


In addition to these 10 original songs, Guo Yang has provided the background accompaniment for 5 of these songs for those who want to do their own ocarina cover! See the songs titled below as "Accompaniment".


To peruse the songs and order by digital download, see listings below. A short sample clip of each song is provided.


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Birds in Flight

Birds in Flight


Birds in Flight Translated from the Chinese title 飞鸟 Soprano 12-hole ocarina in F; song played in C later changing to F   From the album cover: A person sits on the beach, bathed in the sunshine, enjoying life, both feet dug into the sand, eyes closed, with the sound of surging waves. Now and then, the sharp, clear cry of a bird floats across his ears, and he wonders if there's anything in all the world that can make a person feel more relaxed and at ease!   Listen to…

Mischievous Clay

Mischievous Clay


Mischievous Clay Translated from the Chinese title 淘气的陶器 Alto 12-hole ocarina in C; song played in C   [The title in Chinese is a fun play on words. The first two characters mean mischievously playful, the wild and free-spirited play of children, and are pronounced táo qì. The last two characters are pronounced exactly the same and carry the meaning of a porcelain vessel or utensil.]   From the album cover: When the children of two neighboring families get toge…

Mischievous Clay Accompaniment

Mischievous Clay Accompaniment


Mischievous Clay accompaniment Alto 12-hole ocarina in C; song played in C   This track is provided for those wanting to do an ocarina cover. It is the identical instrumental accompaniment heard in Mischievous Clay but without the ocarina.   From the album cover: In addition to fully embodying a lively dance feel, this song features flutter-tonguing and runs at the end of each musical stanza. Accomplishing this with accompaniment requires a bit of practice!   Listen t…

Passage of Time

Passage of Time


Passage of Time Translated from the Chinese title 逝去的岁月 Alto triple chamber ocarina in C; song played in C   From the album cover: As to the days gone by... somebody sighs, somebody recollects the past, someone feels regret, and somebody... has memories...   Listen to a sample clip   Notice to customers: Guo Yang requests that tracks from Mischievous Clay NOT be posted as is to Youtube or other similar video or audio sites, either with or without add…

Romantic Time Away

Romantic Time Away


Romantic Time Away Translated from the Chinese title 浪漫假日 Soprano 12-hole ocarina in G; song played in C   From the album cover: A quiet, gentle, relaxing song. Whether on vacation or out traveling, keep this song with you and the whole trip becomes far more enjoyable. The wearisome burden of travel is swept away. Bringing it along might just be worth a try!   Listen to a sample clip   Notice to customers: Guo Yang requests that tracks from Mischievo…

Romantic Time Away Accompaniment

Romantic Time Away Accompaniment


Romantic Time Away accompaniment Soprano 12-hole ocarina in G; song played in C   This track is provided for those wanting to do an ocarina cover. It is identical to the instrumental accompaniment heard in Romantic Time Away but without the ocarina.   From the album cover: The style of this arrangement is accented by appropriate use of glissando and mordant, lending a light-hearted and carefree feel to the music.   Listen to a sample clip   Notice to customers:…

To Distant Places

To Distant Places


To Distant Places Translated from the Chinese title 远行 Alto 12-hole ocarina in G; song played in C   From the album cover: I believe there are many people besides myself who would love to enjoy a time of complete freedom with no worries or cares where you simply take off on a long trip. If you can make it happen, listen in and let this melody keep you company as you go!   Listen to a sample clip   Notice to customers: Guo Yang requests that tracks from M…

To Distant Places Accompaniment

To Distant Places Accompaniment


To Distant Places accompaniment Alto 12-hole ocarina in G; song played in C   This track is provided for those wanting to do an ocarina cover. It is identical to the instrumental accompaniment heard in To Distant Places but without the ocarina.   From the album cover: This piece features a wide open free-spirited style, maintaining a smooth and steady air flow and attention to breath changes. Playing the lowest note (E) requires a gentle breath pressure and complete tonehol…

Dance It Up, Honey!

Dance It Up, Honey!


Dance It Up, Honey! Translated from the Chinese title 跳跃吧,宝贝 Soprano 12-hole ocarina in C; song played in F   From the album cover: A festive holiday or a magnificent dinner party... it doesn't really matter which. But if you've already put this song on, then start moving to the beat!   Listen to a sample clip   Notice to customers: Guo Yang requests that tracks from Mischievous Clay NOT be posted as is to Youtube or other similar video or audio …

Love's Sad Lament

Love's Sad Lament


Love's Sad Lament Translated from the Chinese title 为爱悲鸣 Alto 12-hole ocarina in C; song played in C   From the album cover: Perhaps you've been hurt in the past. Perhaps you feel there's nothing out there still worth pursuing. But please don't lose your confidence and courage when it comes to love. If you still find yourself in the throes of heartache, then join in with this song and cast off that burden.   Listen to a sample clip   Notice to customers: …

Love's Sad Lament Accompaniment

Love's Sad Lament Accompaniment


Love's Sad Lament accompaniment Alto 12-hole ocarina in C; song played in C   This track is provided for those wanting to do an ocarina cover. It is the identical instrumental accompaniment heard in Love's Sad Lament but without the ocarina.   From the album cover: The pitch range of this song is relatively broad, requiring a high degree of attention to breath control and to maintaining proper pitch on the highest notes. In addition, with the refrain primarily using…

Q's Reunion

Q's Reunion


Q's Reunion Translated from the Chinese title 小Q的聚会 Alto 12-hole ocarina in C; song played in F   From the album cover: Getting back together again after a long time apart is always something to look forward to. Just let this number become the theme song of your reunion meeting.   Listen to a sample clip   Notice to customers: Guo Yang requests that tracks from Mischievous Clay NOT be posted as is to Youtube or other similar video or audio sites, eithe…

Teardrops From the Misty Past

Teardrops From the Misty Past


Teardrops From the Misty Past Translated from the Chinese title 燕沁忆 Alto 12-hole ocarina in F; song played in C   From the album cover: This melody carries a distinctive Chinese style. The title is inspired by a verse from a poem written by the poet Zhu Dun Ru who lived during the Song Dynasty. This verse translates as, "Face (of the girl) so full of tears that (her) red (rouge) makeup dissolved, sadly the flower of the Chinese flowering crab tree was blown away (by the win…

Teardrops From the Misty Past Accompaniment

Teardrops From the Misty Past Accompaniment


Teardrops From the Misty Past accompaniment Alto 12-hole ocarina in F; song played in C   This track is provided for those wanting to do an ocarina cover. It is the identical instrumental accompaniment heard in Teardrops From the Misty Past but without the ocarina.   From the album cover: While making every effort to capture the style of this song, of equal importance is a smooth and steady breath control and attention to breath changes between stanzas.  …




Nightfall Translated from the Chinese title 夜 Alto ocarina in C; song played in C   From the album cover: With night descending, a lonely walk on a long street. Neon lights flash, the street fills with people, but the end is not in sight.   Listen to a sample clip   Notice to customers: Guo Yang requests that tracks from Mischievous Clay NOT be posted as is to Youtube or other similar video or audio sites, either with or without added video, photos, or other…

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