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Triple Chamber Ocarinas

Triple Chamber Ocarinas

The ocarina and xun products displayed in this store are all hand made by Song Wei in Shenyang, China. Alternative fingerings are also available by custom request.


To order, contact us at, letting us know your location (country), postal code (zip code), ocarina model, and any custom requests.


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Alto Triple Chamber Mini, Key of C

Alto Triple Chamber Mini, Key of C


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Pitch Range Plays A4 to G7, fully chromatic C Major basic scale of 21 notes (1 note short of 3 octaves) 35 total notes when counting all sharps and flats plays the exact same note range as our standard double AC ocarina   The Triple AC Mini differs from our standard Triple AC ocarina in the following ways:     - Compact size... the Mini is significantly smaller than our standard Triple AC and features a unique shape. A very portable instrument!     - The high…

Alto Triple Chamber, Key of C

Alto Triple Chamber, Key of C


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Pitch Range Plays A4 to G7, fully chromatic C Major basic scale of 21 notes (1 note short of 3 octaves) 35 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   With nearly three full octaves, finding melodies you can't play becomes difficult!   Basic scale   Approximate Size and Weight Length: 14.5 cm (5.7 in.)   Width: 11.6 cm (4.6 in.)   Thickness: 4 cm (1.6 in.) Weight: 380 gm (14 oz)   Purple Clay All our purple clay instruments are…

Alto Triple Chamber, Key of D

Alto Triple Chamber, Key of D


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Pitch Range Plays B4 to A7, fully chromatic D Major basic scale of 21 notes (1 note short of 3 octaves) 35 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   The key of D is one of the most common guitar keys, making this a great ocarina for sessions with your guitar playing friends!   Approximate Size and Weight Length: 13 cm (5.1 in.)   Width: 10.7 cm (4.2 in.)   Thickness: 3.6 cm (1.4 in.) Weight: 275 gm (10 oz)   Purple Clay All our purple cl…

Alto Triple Chamber, Key of F

Alto Triple Chamber, Key of F


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Pitch Range Plays D4 to C7, fully chromatic F Major basic scale of 21 notes (1 note short of 3 octaves) 35 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   Basic scale   Approximate Size and Weight Length: 17.5 cm (6.9 in.)  Width: 13.3 cm (5.2 in.)  Thickness: 5.2 cm (2.1 in.) Weight: 635 gm (1 lb, 6 oz)   Purple Clay All our purple clay instruments are unglazed. This is a hand-made product, so weight will vary somewhat from instrument to inst…

Alto Triple Chamber, Key of G

Alto Triple Chamber, Key of G


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Pitch Range Plays E4 to D7, fully chromatic G Major basic scale of 21 notes (1 note short of 3 octaves) 35 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   With nearly three full octaves, finding melodies you can't play becomes difficult!    Approximate Size and Weight Length: 16 cm (6.3 in.)    Width: 12.2 cm (4.8 in.)    Thickness: 5 cm (2 in.) Weight: 560 gm (1 lb, 4 oz)   Purple Clay All our purple clay instruments are unglazed. T…

Oak Leaf Alto Triple Chamber, Key of C

Oak Leaf Alto Triple Chamber, Key of C


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Pitch Range Plays A4 to G7, fully chromatic C Major basic scale of 21 notes (2 3/4 octaves) 35 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   Oak Leaf is a unique styling hand-crafted by Song Wei. Since Oak Leaf styling affects appearance only, this Oak Leaf alto triple is identical to our standard Triple AC in playability and ergonomics.   Approximate Size and Weight Length: 14.5 cm (5.7 in.)   Width: 11.6 cm (4.6 in.)   Thickness: 4 cm (1.6 in.) Weigh…

Oak Leaf Alto Triple Chamber, Key of F

Oak Leaf Alto Triple Chamber, Key of F


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Pitch Range Plays D4 to C7, fully chromatic F Major basic scale of 21 notes (1 note short of 3 octaves) 35 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   Oak Leaf is a unique styling hand-crafted by Song Wei. Since Oak Leaf styling affects appearance only, this Oak Leaf alto triple is identical to our standard Triple AF in playability and ergonomics.   Basic scale   Approximate Size and Weight Length: 17.5 cm (6.9 in.)  Width: 13.3 cm (5.2 in.)  Thi…

Oak Leaf Alto Triple Chamber, Key of G

Oak Leaf Alto Triple Chamber, Key of G


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Pitch Range Plays E4 to D7, fully chromatic G Major basic scale of 21 notes (1 note short of 3 octaves) 35 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   Oak Leaf is a unique styling hand-crafted by Song Wei. Since Oak Leaf styling affects appearance only, this Oak Leaf alto triple is identical to our standard Triple AG in playability and ergonomics.   Approximate Size and Weight Length: 16 cm (6.3 in.)    Width: 12.2 cm (4.8 in.)    Thickness: 5 cm (2 in…

Alto Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of F

Alto Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of F


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Pitch Range Plays D4 to E7, fully chromatic F Major basic scale of 23 notes (3 1/8 octaves) 39 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   This extended range F triple differs from our normal F triple in having two additional toneholes on the underside, both covered by the right thumb. Thus, the four highest notes (C#7, D7, E7, and E7) are played by uncovering these two bottom toneholes. Serious and experienced players will find the extra range rewarding.   Appr…

Alto Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of G

Alto Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of G


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Pitch Range Plays E4 to G7, fully chromatic G Major basic scale of 23 notes (3 1/8 octaves) 39 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   At just over three full octaves, the range on this triple will play virtually any melody. This extended range G triple differs from our normal G triple in having two additional toneholes on the underside, both covered by the right thumb. Thus, the five highest notes (E7, E7, F7, and F#7) are played by uncovering these two bottom to…

Oak Leaf Alto Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of F

Oak Leaf Alto Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of F


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Pitch Range Plays D4 to E7, fully chromatic F Major basic scale of 23 notes (3 1/8 octaves) 39 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   This extended range F triple differs from our normal F triple in having two additional toneholes on the underside, both covered by the right thumb. Thus, the four highest notes (C#7, D7, E7, and E7) are played by uncovering these two bottom toneholes. Serious and experienced players will find the extra range rewarding.   Oa…

Oak Leaf Alto Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of G

Oak Leaf Alto Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of G


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Pitch Range Plays E4 to F#7, fully chromatic G Major basic scale of 23 notes (3 1/8 octaves) 39 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   This extended range G triple differs from our normal G triple in having two additional toneholes on the underside, both covered by the right thumb. Thus, the four highest notes (E7, E7, F7, and F#7) are played by uncovering these two bottom toneholes. Serious and experienced players will find the extra range rewarding.  …

Bass Triple Chamber, Key of C

Bass Triple Chamber, Key of C


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Pitch Range Plays A3 to G6, fully chromatic C Major basic scale of 21 notes (1 note short of 3 octaves) 35 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   Song Wei's triple basses definitely have that sweet, earthy, mellow tone quality that we all want to hear in a bass ocarina!    Approximate Size and Weight Length: 19.7 cm (7.8 in.)  Width: 16.3 cm (6.4 in.)  Thickness: 6.6 cm (2.6 in.) Weight: 920 gm (2 lb)   Purple Clay All our purple…

Oak Leaf Bass Triple Chamber, Key of C

Oak Leaf Bass Triple Chamber, Key of C


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Pitch Range Plays A3 to G6, fully chromatic C Major basic scale of 21 notes (1 note short of 3 octaves) 35 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   Oak Leaf is a unique styling hand-crafted by Song Wei. Since Oak Leaf styling affects appearance only, this Oak Leaf bass triple is identical to our standard Triple BC in playability and ergonomics.   Approximate Size and Weight Length: 19.7 cm (7.8 in.)  Width: 16.3 cm (6.4 in.)  Thickness: 6.6 cm (2.6 in.)…

Bass Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of C

Bass Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of C


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Pitch Range Plays A3 to B6, fully chromatic C Major basic scale of 23 notes (3 1/8 octaves) 39 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   This extended range C triple differs from our normal C triple in having two additional toneholes on the underside, both covered by the right thumb. Thus, the four highest notes (A6, A6, B6, and B6) are played by uncovering these two bottom toneholes. Serious and experienced players will find the extra range rewarding.   Are t…

Oak Leaf Bass Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of C

Oak Leaf Bass Triple Chamber Extended Range, Key of C


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Pitch Range Plays A3 to B6, fully chromatic C Major basic scale of 23 notes (3 1/8 octaves) 39 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   This extended range C triple differs from our normal C triple in having two additional toneholes on the underside, both covered by the right thumb. Thus, the four highest notes (A6, A6, B6, and B6) are played by uncovering these two bottom toneholes. Serious and experienced players will find the extra range rewarding.   Oak…

Stratus Bass Triple Chamber, Key of C

Stratus Bass Triple Chamber, Key of C


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Pitch Range Plays A3 to D7, fully chromatic C Major basic scale of 25 notes (3 3/8 octaves) 50 total notes when counting all sharps and flats   The Stratus Triple BC achieves maximum range for a triple by taking full advantage of the potential range in the second and third chambers, as follows: 2nd chamber. The slide cover index finger holes are retained. But then a thumbhole is added to the underside, adding one additional diatonic note. The second chamber now goe…

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